Vogue: The Best Fall Nail Colors for 2020, According to 8 Celebrity Nail Artists
Cool-girl nail artist Sylvia Macmillan has worked with artists like Cosima and Kelsey Lu, and her pick is for those looking to side-step a traditional seasonal shade. “I love wearing bright colors on my nails in autumn as I find my wardrobe gets a bit darker,” she says. Lately, Macmillan has been obsessed with London-based nail polish brand Télle Moi. “Her shade Bequia Blue is such a nice contrast to an all-black outfit. She also makes custom shades, so if there’s a color you’ve been dreaming of, then Télle Moi is the place to go!”

Good Housekeeping: British Black-owned beauty brands to support now and always
We made it to Good Housekeeping black owned British beauty brands to support. With a lovely write up of our beautiful nudes, with also suggesting readers to try an ombre of nudes. We would love to see this!

Dapper & Bride: Editors Pick of Black Owned Businesses to Follow
We made it to Dapper & Bride’s First ever edition as a black owned business to follow. Of course Nails naturally go hand in hand with bridal preparations! Grab a free read and a discount code in the magazine.

Brown Beauty Talk: 7 Black Owned Nail Polish Brands
Télle Moi starts the round up of black owned nail polish brands. Listed with some amazing UK and US Nail polish brands all specialising in a variety of features and will undoubtedly help support the growth of black female owned businesses.

Scratch Magazine: Behind the Brand: Meet Natel Allen, founder of Télle Moi
We went behind the brand with Scratch Magazine to explore how Télle Moi came to be, future plans and the colours we started out with!

Metro: What I Own
So although this feature was not strictly related to nail polish Télle Moi was definitely mentioned and had a section dedicated to it. Having previously worked in property. Owner Natel describes her journey on the property ladder and decisions which have now resulted in her owning 2 properties, whilst still under the age of 30.

It's Black Owned: Brand Feature
One of our very first features was in Itsblackowned.com which showcases some amazing black owned businesses. From greeting cards to more this highlighted so many more businesses to me.

BASE - Beauty, Style and Edit: 9 Black-owned Nail businesses to invest in and support
Did you know that black women are the largest spenders in the UK when it comes to hair and beauty products? However it’s clear this isn’t well represented in the available choice. BASE picked us along some other great nail business brands!

Styleable: 'Who said nude has to be pink?'
We spoke to Styleable.co.uk to explain why we chose our catchphrase and how being an afterthought from larger brands propelled an idea in to a business!